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Other Projects

Here are some of the music I composed & produced and videos I editted.


Here are some of the music that I composed and produced.


Here are some of the videos I editted for school and for some clients.

This is a video I made with my team for an innovation competition HACKATAX PH 2019. The voice over is also me.

This is a video I made as a teaser for my college thesis SciHive, it showcases some of the contents and key features of the app.

This is a video I editted as a school project.

This is a video I editted for my client from HongKong.

This is another video I editted for my client from HongKong.

This is a simple Phonegap tutorial I made for lower years in my college.

About Me

I have a strong passion for creating things and I love making things better. For me tinkering things is the best way to learn. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at Columban College Inc., Olongapo City. I love collaborating with people and I love learning fresh skills from others.

My specialty is using HTML, CCS, and JS to make awesome applications whether it's for desktop, mobile or web. My interests, however, extend beyond coding and developing applications, I love writing music using computer and midi-keyboard. I also like helping small businesses with branding and print design.

Crizon Parcia Jr.


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